Holiday well spent

Women’s day was approaching and I was lucky enough be invited by a friend to the “Fashion Kapitol” for a day filled with heaps of culture. My obsession with Jozi central is based on the fact that it is crammed full of amazing surprises in the form of locations that are still “down-town” but simultaneously offer some sort of escapism and the “Fashion Kapitol” was nothing short of that.
I was running late so a number of the shops were already closed, though I was just in time to see some trendy fashion stalls hosted by Iintsizwa Ziphele and Fashion Something. The Doll House Fashion Garage; is a must for those who love eccentric pieces, housing their own stunning designs as well “Street Tribal’s” and couple more handmade jewellers. In the midst of all the fashion came the much anticipated “Street Tribal” performance of which I was well pleased as I loved their flow, authenticity and slightly crude sensation.
On my way home, I remembered a place called “Morara” that I owed a visit, which apparently offers good wine and delectable liqueurs, but to my demise it hadn’t been open for the public holiday. However not all is lost, as my wandering eye was delighted and has already made plans of going there with a lil’ something that captured my heart. I will be sure to tell you all about it…

Oralic of StreeTribal

Dandi of StreetTribal

Ooh weeh! The beautiful duo in action.

Can we discuss this coat though?

StreetTribal merchandise.
Follow them on twitter if you like what you see: @StreetTribal

I must have this  stoel in my living space.

Some yummy merchandise from Doll's House.

Myself and Kevin Halama of Iinstizwa Ziphelele
If you'd like to see more of their gear like their page on Facebook.

Cool Counter :)

The day ended here at "the fashion shack", I loved it and I just had to return.