

Hometown pool:)
Yes, its a swimming pool, Yes I am a black woman , No I am not crazy. Yes I am a mermaid.
To be honest though creative breed I've been yearning for something fresh and new and what better way than "le 34 laps" right? A new hairstyle, really?
So I commited my whole enitre being to a wonderful aquatic challenge they call the "MidmarMile" meaning that I have to swim (in the water) for 1.6 kilometres non-stop by the 8th of February next year. I'm sure the runners are reading this like, "pssshhh I can run 10k's what's the big deal"? Ya, try running in the water and then tell me * insert Trevor Noah's Mantashe voice*
Before you hold night a vigil for me, you ought to now that I actually can swim.
Progress-wise? I have had two practice sessions and lets just say that the water feels really awesome, my boobs are learning to behave, I am writing this which means I haven't drowned, and I have finally somewhat regained the feeling in arms. Not so bad right?
To those who were ready to hold that night vigil for me, please rather help give me tips on how I can mbasha/phasha (look grey) less.
Have a great and do something naaarce for yourself (something that will make you blush)...
Plenty Love CB:)



No Work All Play;)

This was my office for the day…. The Marvellous Makaranga nestled deeply in the bosom of the luscious Valley of a thousand hills in Hillcrest.
 My intention was to catch on some what looks like a lifetime of writing, so I’d rather not catch up and just write from my heart.
So its been a wonderful six months or so since the last time we sat down okhay atleast today feels wonderful and that’s enough. I have re-emerged with this valuable lesson ; "Perfectionism  is what Procrastination looks like when its wearing a fake LV bag." Just get it done, them maybe you can exercise that perfectionist rubbish.

 The point of it all I to say that if you’re in eThekwini and looking for a  spectacular "naturffice” , want  to have a picnic, show off your summer bod just take a stroll in a beautiful garden/park situation check out their website here and live your life, I mean it is a treat right?